The Easiest DIY Holiday Pictures for Babies
Thanksgiving is over which means Christmas is just around the corner. If you haven’t already, you’ll probably begin to receive holiday cards from your family and friends soon. Holiday cards can get pretty boring unless they feature a major life event such as an engagement or birth announcement. Last year was our son’s first Christmas so, of course, our family and friends were expecting a card with his cute little face. And that’s exactly what they got!
I don’t consider myself to be the craftiest person in the world but becoming a parent has definitely made me tap more into my DIY side. Before last Christmas, we’d been sending holiday cards to our family with just us two and the dog in front of the tree. But last year’s DIY holiday pictures set the tone for year’s to come.
Easy DIY Holiday Pictures
If you’re interested in recreating these DIY holiday pictures, here’s what you’ll need:
- Christmas décor for the backdrop
- a cooperative, well-fed baby
- a Christmas outfit for the baby
- wrapping paper and tape
- an empty cardboard box
- a pillow (optional)
- a ring light and tripod
- a camera/smartphone (I used my iPhone on portrait mode)
- Make sure the cardboard box is large enough for your baby to fit in but not too big where they can’t sit up and still be seen. This is where a small pillow might come in handy.
- Fold in the flaps of the cardboard box and wrap the cardboard box in your choice of festive wrapping paper.
- Set up your ring light in front of your Christmas tree or choice of décor.
- Feed the baby. A well-fed baby is definitely more cooperative.
- Be prepared to take several photos but you’ll be satisfied when you have tons to choose from.
I used Shutterfly to create the holiday cards on glossy photo paper but there are tons of apps out there. I loved that I was able to print and mail physical holiday cards as well as text to those tech-savvy family members.
To be honest, I didn’t know these DIY holiday pictures would turn out so great. I surprised myself! He was so easy to work with because all he did was lay there. I’m not sure how I will manage to keep him still this year.
Check out @TheSqueezeDaily on Instagram to see more pictures from last year’s shoot.