Separation Anxiety in Moms: 5 Ways to Cope With Being Away From Your Baby
I’m so thankful that I’m able to work from home. I have the flexibility to take my son to all of his doctor’s appointments and I’m able to witness the milestones when they first happen. But what I’m most grateful for is the opportunity to nurse him. My goal is to nurse him until he’s a year old. We’re almost there but as my breastfeeding journey nears its end, I’m left with a bittersweet feeling.
I’m sure any nursing mom can attest to the dedication it takes to nurse, no matter how long the journey. Each day, I wake up with a purpose. My son literally needs me for nourishment and I absolutely love that! But the bond my son and I have developed through nursing has made being apart extremely difficult. When we’re away from each other, one (or both) of us is left in tears!
Separation Anxiety in Moms is Real!
I can’t enjoy my time away from him for the thought of him screaming at the top of his lungs because I’m out of sight. I know the more he’s away and around family, the more comfortable he will eventually become but it’s so hard! Instead of FaceTiming every two seconds when I’m away, I look at pictures of him instead. I’m even guilty of scrolling through pictures of him at night when he’s asleep right next to me.
All year, I’ve been trying to mentally prepare myself to be away from him for three days to attend my best friend’s wedding. I was determined to get him on a sleep schedule so that would be one less thing I had to worry about. And let’s be honest, that’s less milk to have to pump and store. But now the wedding is around the corner and I’m having anxiety all over again. That’s why I’ve come up with a few ways to cope with being away from my son. If you’re having the same feelings, I hope these tips can help you too.
Separation Anxiety in Moms: 5 Ways to Cope With Being Away From Your Baby
- Make sure you leave enough food. My worst fear is that I’ll be away from my baby and he runs out of milk. Thankfully, he’s eating solids so that makes leaving him with enough food a little easier.
- Stay busy. Choose an activity that occupies you physically and mentally. There’s nothing like having a day at the spa but you’re so tensed up because you can’t seem to stop thinking about your little one.
- Do something you’ve missed since having a baby. For me, that’s happy hour. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve enjoyed a day out with the girls for drinks. I usually wait until he’s asleep to partake in a glass of wine (or two).
- Look at pictures and videos of your baby. If all else fails, remind yourself of your baby’s sweet little smile. Don’t think of him as being upset while you’re gone. Instead, flood your thoughts with happy pictures and videos.
- Don’t call your baby. It could make things worse. Just in case your baby is crying, you don’t want to call if you can’t pick up and run to his aid at the moment. On the flip side, he could be having the time of his little life and your call could ruin it.
So there you have it. Five ways to cope if you’re like me and experiencing separation anxiety before the separation even occurs. I’ll let you guys know how it goes being away from my son. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
