Mom Life
5 Tips for Introducing Your Dog to Your New Baby
They say dogs can sense when something is about to change. It’s true! If we’re packing for a trip, our Silky Terrier (Jax) goes to stand next to his leash. If I place his food by the door, he knows he’s going to doggy daycare. If I’m sick, he cuddles with me. He’s truly man’s best friend. Before I found out I was pregnant, I’m sure Jax already sensed the baby growing in my belly. He went back to doing things he used to do when he was a puppy like marking his territory in the house, chewing up toilet paper, and wanting tons of attention. He even started sleeping…
Separation Anxiety in Moms: 5 Ways to Cope With Being Away From Your Baby
I’m so thankful that I’m able to work from home. I have the flexibility to take my son to all of his doctor’s appointments and I’m able to witness the milestones when they first happen. But what I’m most grateful for is the opportunity to nurse him. My goal is to nurse him until he’s a year old. We’re almost there but as my breastfeeding journey nears its end, I’m left with a bittersweet feeling. I’m sure any nursing mom can attest to the dedication it takes to nurse, no matter how long the journey. Each day, I wake up with a purpose. My son literally needs me for nourishment…
Healthy Baby Finger Food Recipes: Sweet Potato & Veggie Strips
I have a love-hate relationship with my son’s highchair. On one hand, it’s a device that will be influential in teaching my son to feed himself. But on the other hand, it’s a master keeper of stickiness and crumbs that don’t quite make it to the floor (or into the dog’s mouth). I guess that’s the price to pay when you hand over a spoon of sweet potatoes to a baby and allow him to “feed” himself. While there are many snacks at the grocery store designed to teach babies to feed themselves, I’ve found that making my son’s food at home reduces his eczema flare-ups. Sadly, the only thing…