Mom Life
3 Rules for Dealing with Germs as a Parent
Before having a kid, I considered myself to be a mild germaphobe. I’m the person who sings the ABCs while washing her hands, sanitizes all surfaces on an airplane before taking my seat, and keeps a mini bottle of hand sanitizer clipped on me at all times. I’ve never had the flu—knocks on wood—and I’m rarely sick. But now dealing with germs, as a parent, is a bit more difficult.
Popping Bottles: Consuming Alcohol While Breastfeeding
There’s nothing like being at a summer barbecue, enjoying good food, hanging with friends, and laughing all while feeling left out because everyone around you is indulging in their favorite adult beverage and you’re left with a red cup of ice water because you’re nursing. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing to be ashamed of if you’ve chosen to abstain from consuming alcohol until you’re ready to wean your baby from the boob, but I, for one, was ready for my first sip of Prosecco as soon as I gave birth!
These 5 Tips Will Come In Handy If You’ll Be Flying With a Baby Soon
I don’t know what I was thinking when I decided it would be a good idea to travel during the Memorial Day holiday with a baby! I think I stressed myself out more just thinking about the trip! Flying is already stressful enough, especially with the long security lines, constant overbooking by airlines, and don’t get me started on the delays—that’s a rant for another time! But flying with a baby makes the whole ordeal 100 times more intense! Thankfully, the trip turned out to be a breeze. But to save yourself the stress and heartache, I’d recommend these five tips if you’ll be flying with a baby soon.