Health & Beauty
The Best Skincare Products for Babies With Sensitive Skin in the Summer
While temperatures may have said otherwise, tomorrow (June 21) is the official start of summer. I’ve been looking forward to the summer all year, mainly because I didn’t get the abs I’d hoped for last summer because I was pregnant. And while I don’t have abs this summer either, I’m happy to be carrying a lot less weight. Being pregnant during some of last summer’s hottest days was the absolute worst! But enough about me… This summer, I’m focused on making it the best first summer for my baby boy. And part of enjoying the summer heat is making sure his skin is moisturized and protected from the sun and…
3 Rules for Dealing with Germs as a Parent
Before having a kid, I considered myself to be a mild germaphobe. I’m the person who sings the ABCs while washing her hands, sanitizes all surfaces on an airplane before taking my seat, and keeps a mini bottle of hand sanitizer clipped on me at all times. I’ve never had the flu—knocks on wood—and I’m rarely sick. But now dealing with germs, as a parent, is a bit more difficult.
Can I Do Whole30 While Breastfeeding?
After my son’s pediatrician recommended I eliminate dairy from my diet, in hopes of clearing up his eczema, I decided to look into the Whole30 program. After reading the rules, eliminating dairy seemed to be one of the main guidelines. Plus, a few of my friends had completed Whole30 while breastfeeding so I knew that it could be done. So I decided to give it a go.