Mom Life
Checking In: Dealing with Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
You don’t have to be a mother to read this post. In fact, if you are a mother reading this post, please forward this to your non-mom friends and family—yes, even the guys. Whenever my best friend calls me, she always makes it a point to ask me how I’m doing. After I tell her that I’m fine, she always says, “Good. ‘Cause people forget to check on the mom. Now, how’s my nephew?” I absolutely love her for that! And, she’s right! It’s not intentional but oftentimes, friends and family neglect to check in on a new mom because they’re so consumed with the new, cute, and cuddly baby.…
10 Weird Things They Don’t Tell You About Pregnancy
Not too long ago, I was sitting down with a friend who had just found out she was pregnant and she asked me if there were any things that she should expect; things that they don’t tell you about pregnancy. Girl, yes! I found myself spewing out all kinds of things! But then I realized that I might be making her a bit nervous but she assured me that she wanted to hear them. Good thing she did because I’m pretty sure I would’ve told her about them anyway. When I was pregnant, my friends shared with me some of their weird experiences, just in case they happened to me,…
The Best Skincare Products for Babies With Sensitive Skin in the Summer
While temperatures may have said otherwise, tomorrow (June 21) is the official start of summer. I’ve been looking forward to the summer all year, mainly because I didn’t get the abs I’d hoped for last summer because I was pregnant. And while I don’t have abs this summer either, I’m happy to be carrying a lot less weight. Being pregnant during some of last summer’s hottest days was the absolute worst! But enough about me… This summer, I’m focused on making it the best first summer for my baby boy. And part of enjoying the summer heat is making sure his skin is moisturized and protected from the sun and…