Mom Life
Review: Infantino Squeeze Station
When I first heard about the Infantino Squeeze Station, I figured it would be something that I wouldn’t need because I thought I would be done puréeing my son’s food by now. Sadly, he only feeds himself the solid foods that he’s in the mood for and that often means he’s not getting a proper serving of fruits and veggies each day. During a trip to the mall, my sister brought along a Gerber snack pouch for her son and an extra one for mine. I was shocked at how quickly he devoured those puréed bananas and mangoes, and without making a mess! I decided to purchase more of the…
Weaning From Breastfeeding May Be Easier With These 3 Tips
I’m blessed to have had a very productive and painless breastfeeding journey. I’ve been able to nurse my son, exclusively, for nearly 11 months. My plan is to be done nursing by the time he’s 12-months-old. And while it didn’t seem so bad in theory, now that he’s a little over a month shy of his first birthday, I’m starting to question whether or not I’ll be successful in weaning from breastfeeding in time. I didn’t even entertain the idea of weaning until we were no longer co-sleeping and he was his own bed. Once we transitioned to him sleeping in his own bed, he began sleeping through the night—eliminating…
The Struggles of Working While Pregnant
I haven’t always been blessed to have a work-from-home job. In fact, up until the day I went into labor, I was working in an office. While I do miss the social aspect of working in an office environment, I don’t miss having to deal with life’s issues with an audience of coworkers sitting in the front row. Take working while pregnant, for example. I didn’t tell my coworkers I was pregnant until I was around five months pregnant. When I did eventually tell them, I only confirmed what they were already speculating. I’m not going to lie, working in an office environment while pregnant had its perks—I didn’t have…