Ways to Make Time for Yourself, Even If You Have Kids
I’ve heard tales of moms hiding in the back of their closets to eat a piece of candy in peace or locking themselves in the bathroom just for a moment to themselves. And while I’m not quite there, I do have moments that I wish still belonged to only me. I find myself scoffing down a meal to either have it to myself or rush to do something for the baby. Showers that used to last 20 minutes have been reduced to 10 minutes or less. And anything else that I want to do for myself has to wait until the baby is asleep. Where’s the fun in that? When…
Express Yourself: 5 Tips for Pumping on the Go
I’m proud to say that I survived being away from my son for three days and three nights. I pushed through and took my own advice about coping with being away from him, especially after a quick FaceTime turned tragic when he saw my face, grabbed the phone, and burst into tears. I had to hang up the phone to keep it all together. Being so far away from my son for the first time was hard, but the hardest part was pumping on the go. I brought along my handy, dandy Lansinoh manual pump because it’s compact and gets the job done! There was just something about having to…
That’s a No-No: 5 Tips for Conducting Yourself Around a Baby
Disclaimer: I hope we can have a little fun while also conveying a serious message. Since becoming a mom, my patience has grown when it comes to dealing with children but—if I’m being completely honest—it’s been shortened for adults. It seems like every time I’m out in public with my baby, I have an unpleasant encounter with another adult, an adult who I’m sure has seen a baby before and knows what, in fact, a baby is, but yet, decides to conduct themselves as if they’ve never seen one before. So, in an effort to turn a rant into something more positive, I’ve decided to offer five tips for conducting yourself…