Mom Life
Can I Do Whole30 While Breastfeeding?
After my son’s pediatrician recommended I eliminate dairy from my diet, in hopes of clearing up his eczema, I decided to look into the Whole30 program. After reading the rules, eliminating dairy seemed to be one of the main guidelines. Plus, a few of my friends had completed Whole30 while breastfeeding so I knew that it could be done. So I decided to give it a go.
The First Fall: What to Do When Your Baby Falls
Although the calendar said May 7, it was our first fall. No, I’m not talking about the season but rather the sudden, uncontrollable descent. I sat my seven-month-old down on the couch—just as I had the day before and like we usually do most days—I turned to open some mail and it happened. A boom followed by loud wailing. He’d taken his first tumble. My boyfriend ran out of the room asking what happened and if he was ok and then he began to question why I would place him on the couch. After calming him down and making sure he was alright, I was able to calmly say: “We’d…
3 Must-Have Apps for New Parents
I found it to be hilarious when I asked my mom for advice on items to put on my baby registry and she replied: “Girl, ask some of your friends because things have changed since I last had a baby.” She was right. There are so many new products and gadgets, and let’s not forget the all-encompassing wealth of knowledge that is Google. As parents in this new age of technology, we have so much at our fingertips. We don’t have to solely rely on parenting books and Lamaze classes for information. We have access right in the palms of our hands.