Recipe: Easy Cinnamon Rolls From Scratch
There’s something about fall that makes me want to bake. Maybe it’s the fact that I can hide my “baked goods belly” under sweaters and cardigans or maybe it’s the way baking brings the family together. I’ve found that kids love baking because it gives them an excuse to use their hands and play with their food—completely understandable. They also seem to find a way to cover themselves in flour even when the recipe only calls for a pinch. I had fun making these easy cinnamon rolls from scratch when my nieces and nephews came to town last month. It kept them entertained and it made the house smell like…
Recipe: Mama Jackie’s Southern Sweet Potato Pie
Tomorrow is the first day of fall and I couldn’t be more excited! Fall is my absolute favorite season because of the fashion, cooler temperatures, colorful leaves, and, of course, Thanksgiving! There are certain dishes that I don’t cook all year because they are reserved for my family’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner. One of those dishes is my mom’s sweet potato pie. I can remember standing in the kitchen watching her prepare her signature pies every year, waiting for the moment when she would finally let me help. I was usually placed on prep duty, gathering the ingredients together, preheating the oven—you know, the small things until I was ready to…
Review: Infantino Squeeze Station
When I first heard about the Infantino Squeeze Station, I figured it would be something that I wouldn’t need because I thought I would be done puréeing my son’s food by now. Sadly, he only feeds himself the solid foods that he’s in the mood for and that often means he’s not getting a proper serving of fruits and veggies each day. During a trip to the mall, my sister brought along a Gerber snack pouch for her son and an extra one for mine. I was shocked at how quickly he devoured those puréed bananas and mangoes, and without making a mess! I decided to purchase more of the…